Internet In The US
Can you imagine what the world would be like if the internet were never invented? Me neither!
In the last two years, with the pandemic ravaging the world and especially the US, the internet has become even more crucial, keeping us connected, entertained, educated, among other things. A recent analysis by Kepios shows that internet users increased by 2.8%, which is almost 8.4 million between 2021 and 2022 in the US alone.
Unfortunately, the Federal Communications Commission states that the number of people still stuck with limited access to high-speed internet is too high for comfort, considering how important the internet has and will continue to become. With over 22.3% of Americans in rural areas lacking fixed terrestrial coverage.
What Is Rural Internet?
According to Wikipedia, Rural Internet describes the characteristics of Internet service in those areas often referred to as “the countryside” with Inhabitants that live in villages, hamlets, on farms, and in other isolated houses outside towns or cities.
This is due mainly to poor infrastructure and unfavorable geography, among other factors.

Why Should The Internet Be Different In Rural Areas?
The Pandemic revealed that rural dwellers also experience a lack of internet provider options people can afford apart from reduced access to high-speed internet. Also, quality internet connections are difficult to come by, which affected schools during the lockdown as they ditched physical classes in favor of online classes and digital homework.
Access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet is vital to the functionality of rural communities. Throughout the US, rural industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and forestry, are increasingly dependent on high-speed internet connections to run efficiently.
Benefits Of High-Speed Internet To Rural Areas
Having access to high-speed internet in rural areas can have many positives. Here are some benefits of high-speed internet to rural areas.
Creates bigger, more efficient markets: Around 66% of rural jobs are created by businesses that use high-speed internet, according to a study by US Telecom. Internet services and connected software help companies with complex activities like filing taxes, employee scheduling, and processing payments, encouraging business and market growth.
More opportunities and better Education: High-speed internet expands access to educational resources in rural schools. More options like adult education and homeschooling have also been possible for many rural dwellers.
According to The National Rural Health Association, better healthcare and facilities: Compared to their urban counterparts, rural dwellers do not enjoy access to primary care physicians. With high-speed internet, rural communities can enjoy quality health information, services, and online systems.
Increased access to information: With high-speed internet, rural dwellers can now access information like weather patterns, live markets updates, and even natural disaster warnings, Helping residents stay safe and informed.
Improved Social connectivity: Rural dwellers can stay in touch with family and friends worldwide with improved access to high-speed internet. Even the most remote communities enjoy access to better healthcare, education, and job opportunities.
Increased Job Opportunities: High-Speed internet allows more people to work from wherever they are located, especially in rural areas. There have also been more job opportunities connected to the internet and industries built around it.
Rural Internet And RVers
When you work from your RV, one of the issues you’d face is how to access the internet from your vehicle. Fortunately, internet service providers like Nomad internet make that problem easy to solve.
Here are a couple of factors to consider when picking the perfect internet service provider for your RV:
Battery life: You don’t want a hotspot device that you’d need to charge all the time. Go for devices with extended battery life.
Maximum Devices: The number of devices your router can support should be considered when choosing your provider; make sure it can cover all your devices.
Network Compatibility: Network coverage for the region you are located in is critical; also, consider the plans and options available.

Internet For Your RV
To connect your RV to the internet so that you can enjoy high-speed internet connectivity on the go, you can consider one of the following options;
Wireless Internet Access: Most modern devices come equipped with hotspot capability, and RV’ers can use their smartphones as a hotspot. However, portable Wi-Fi routers are a better option, offering a more robust connection and security.
Satellite RV Internet: This may be a convenient option, but it is not cheap. Depending on your choice, you may spend as much as $1,300 on installation alone. It is also dependent on heavy hardware and may be hard to lug around.
According to researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, high-speed internet in rural areas will also mean higher property values, population growth, lower unemployment rates, and an increase in new business formation.
An increase in access to high-speed internet in rural areas is not just needed; it is crucial. Digital Nomads, RVers, and all remote workers would also benefit massively.